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Stupid QRMers « DK5DC/AA6HM


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Stupid QRMers

The eternal List of Stupid Qrmers

This list is my personal favorite: It will list all of those highly skilled amateur radio operators, who consistently causing QRM. The list includes, but is NOT limited to

  • ‚Amateurs‘ who call on the working frequency of a Dx-pedition, no matter how often the DX station announces the split operation/frequency
  • ‚Amateurs‘ who shout or key their call at least three times ( a popular behavior of Italian Amateurs – do they learn it that way? ) – of course on the working frequency.
  • ‚Amateurs‘ who shout just their suffixes (even if they don’t even hear the DX Station). Another popular behavior of Italian, Spanish and Russian fellows – sadly it seems Germany and British people are adapting this pest quite fast.

If you think there are too many fellow Italian and Spanish operators in the in the list, well, I am just one hop away from them.  Started this list on 2011.11.01 and believe me, it will increase very fast 🙂

Stupid QRMers

Source of the qrmVictimComment
IT9YRHeverybodyhe got pissed by a few other Italian hams and now he takes revenge against every single amateur operator by constantly occupying 14.195 khz using (at least) full legal power
all those Suffix shoutersvirtually every DX stationshouting their suffix only at least three times in order to get through. In my opinion just illegal operation
G0WOUevery dx station he wants to workFlooding the cluster with unneccessary and often rude and insulting comments if he does not get IMMEDIATLY a qso with the dx station.
Recently he extended his expertise to more general terms. Now 'self potting idiot' is one of his favorite remarks pn the cluster